Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Fat guys and hot girlfriends

Y'know, I don't get it. How come TV insists on portraying fat guys with hot girlfriends/wife? I know it's part of the American Dream (to eat donuts with a hot wife making them and handing you a beer), but it's also soooo unrealistic. I've YET to see one fat guy land a ridiculously hot woman. Yes, I know some who are slightly overweight, and have good looking girlfriend/wife, but none nearly as polarized (there's an MCAT Verbal Reasoning word for ya).

Case 1:
Homer and Marge. Pretty much the archetype of the current TV generation. Fat, lazy slob, with a caring, presumably hot (for a cartoon Springfield) wife.

Case 2:
Doug and Carrie on King of Queens. This is really what sparked this post. I mean, this woman makes habernero sauce seem like a glass of lemonade. If you recall her summer guest appearance on SBTB, you'll see she both looks exactly the same, and has aged magnificently. And Doug is just a fat guy working for UPS. Go figure.

Case 3:
Peter and Lois Griffin from Family Guy. Yup. Another cartoon. But a perfect example. Lois is supposed to be ridiculously hot (as in her being a model, etc.), and Peter is just... Even dumber than Homer.

Case 4:
Fred and Barney, Wilma and Betty, from Flintstones. Okay, another cartoon. But the age of this is from waaay back, and shows that even back then, it happens. And, damn, Wilma is hot (strange, yet *another* redhead...).

Case 5:
Moose and Midge on Archie. Okay. I'll broaden the definition to "dumb", since Moose is supposed to be a star athlete. Wait. This is *very* similar to real life. Nevermind.

Okay. This wasn't as extensive as I thought it would be, and it's much more limited to cartoons, but still...

I rest my case.


Mike H said...

It evens the playing field?

Aw hell, not even I can answer this one with something that makes any kind of logical sense.

You're right. That's messed up.

Carly said...

hell yeah for SBTB!
i loved her!