Thursday, April 27, 2006

Why are...

Redheads in all cartoons/TV/Movies ridiculously hot? I've yet met one redhead that is at that caliber. I mean, I've seen other hair coloured girls reach that level of hotness in real life, but not so for redheads.

How can this be?

It's the gingervitis, I know it.

Only in Ultimate...

... can you say "force" "bush" "dike" "dump" repeatedly without *anyone* falling into juvenile giggling fits.

Quotes for every day

A short list, but it's a start.

"Do you ever get chafed straddling the fence all the time?" - for all those wishy-washy people.

"Are you serious?" "Serious as an erection problem." - To bring gravity to any situation.

"Margaritas always taste better in Mexico." "Yes they do." "Margaritas and cock." - To pretty much end any conversation.

[after going to the bathroom] "You going to wash your hands?" "No. Cuz I'm EVIL." - if this ever comes up, this will probably end the conversation.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Synonyms for short


Okay, that's my list. It's pretty short (pun not originally intended, by now is).

Take off your clothes!

So, why do superheroes always keep their costumes on? I mean, when they sleep, eat, play sports even, I bet.

Just change into something else already! That "no glasses" = Superman, "glasses" = Clark Kent business ain't foolin' nobody.

Oh, and dark hair, blue eyes, very hot (a la Wonder Woman).

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Love Hurts, literally

A literal representation of "love hurts"

So, you got any donuts in that thing?

Batman carries absolutely everything imaginable in that belt.

I bet he even carries 3 jelly donuts from Tim Horton's...

Monday, April 24, 2006

That's called entrapment, girls

Read an article in the paper, about the crazy things women ask their boyfriend/husbands, and how we, as guys, are just kinda screwed.
  1. The ol' standard: Be honest: do I look fat in these jeans? There is no honest way to say it. If she really is fat, you can't say that. If she really isn't fat, even if you say she isn't, she'll just say that you're saying that because you guys are together.
  2. Dress sizes. WTF is a 12? A 4? Is this inches? That doesn't make sense. Feet? Metres? Y'know, in a man's vocabulary, there is "large" and "small", and we only started learning about "medium" three days ago.
  3. Do you think my friends are hot? Am I the hottest one out of my friends? Girls, that's called entrapment.

Last Rehearsal - Finally, Accidentally

So, a couple of interesting observations:
  • Some of the kids really, really likes the choir
  • And some of them are a bit indifferent
Last Friday was a Pro-D day. For those who don't know, that's a professional development day for the teachers. Basically a day off for kids in high school.

Since we missed Good Friday's rehearsal, I really didn't want to miss it again. But seeing how it's a day off for them, I didn't want to force them to come.

I sent an e-mail out, asking whether people would show up if I held rehearsal. Some were enthusiastically "YES", and some were "I think I can manage", and some were "I may have something coming up".

Anyway, I got enough people to pull this together, and ended up only missing 2 people, with legitimate excuses. That's not bad at all, for a bright and sunny day, and a day off.

Ran California Dreamin', and the bridge still needed work. Worked on the intro, and after about a 1/2 hour of work, we were sounding alright.

Ran Sweet Surrender. Missing the solo, we still sounded decent. Still some improvements left, of course.

Then, we started my coup de grace: Accidentally In Love. Hearing the midi again, I'm still amazed at the arrangement (tootin' my own horn again). We started it, and took about 45 minutes to learn up to the end of the first chorus, which is actually expected. With the Acoustix, we split up to learn guys and girls parts, and took about 25 minutes to get that far.

Yeah, we're on our way!

Damn Yuppies...

So, I was in Yaletown today, just catching up with an old friend (and some of her friends) at the Cactus Club.

First off, I didn't even know there was a Cactus Club there. Second, I didn't have a clue that I was on Hamilton at the time. I thought I was going down an alley.

Anyway, after we got out, I looked around, and I totally see the whole yuppie-ness, and it was gross. All the girls were sorta semi-dressed up (likely spent 2 hours to look like it only took 15 minutes), and all the guys looked pretty much the same: dress shirt with either a sweater or nice jacket over it, and jeans/khakis (I'll admit to dressing like that at times) But worst of all was the way they walked. The damn swagger, thinking they're something. It just felt... Soooo pretentious.

That's when I look back on my on "young urban professional" days, and tried to remember whether it was like that... Well, I guess it was, sorta, with a couple of distinctions:
  • There were a lot more South Asians (or "brown"), since most of my friends were as such;
  • There were a lot more guys, period (unfortunately), and not enough girls.
Yes, the latter was definitely the most noticeable. At least in Yaletown, they looked good...

Park. Bench. Bee. Weedwacker. Outboard motor. Connection?

Man, I'm going all over the place chronologically with my posts. This one is actually for the night before the MCAT, about a dream.

So, I'm in a park, just chillin' out. I was on one of those picnic table benches thing, eating some scrumptious cake, when a bee started buzzing around me. I move away from it a bit (I both don't like bugs, and have a strange phobia towards them), but it followed me. I start moving away faster, walking away from the bench, and yet, it's still coming at me. I start running. I didn't know what to do. I run, and I run, and it was like a TV show, where I could almost hear car chase music, with "speed lines" whipping by, and the bee being shot with a wide angle lens (so that the front of it looks a lot larger). I run by a family who were picniking, and grabbed one of those pool noodles (those foamy, long thingy you play with at the pool). I started to fight back, swinging at the bee. I know it's not a good idea to attack bees, since they would fight back, but I was already being chased, right? I swung at it, but missed. Then again, but missed. I swung once more, and the tip of the noodle came ever so close to the bee.

Then, I really pissed it off. It came right at me, ass first.

Then I woke up. After a short breather, I realized that there was a weedwacker/outboard motor rumbling outside, at like 4am in the morning.

Funny how sounds mess with your dreams.

Freshman 15 is NOT a myth

So, I went to the Blarney Stone for what seems like the 76th time with my friend Mike and his friend on Saturday, and, after quickly settling in with a jug of cream ale, I started to relax and chill. (I was pretty pumped in going, but then petered out very quickly when I got there, mainly because that was when I started to feel drained from my day).

Anyway, while Blarney isn't really known as a hotbed for modelesque female forms (similar to the current "cycle" on America's Next Top Model, where there's only like 2 girls that are hot), they generally have enough eye candy (at least for a non-sweet tooth person like me - okay, bad mix of both metaphor and actuality of my non-sweet tooth-ness - and, hyphen and dashes galore!) And since I heard that this was the Saturday after finals for all the schools, I thought it could only get better.

Looking around, I notice... Freshman 15. Everywhere. Everywhere on the girls. I did a quick mental comparison of the girls vs. the guys, and the distribution of the 15 definitely went towards the gender whose symbol has a cross. It's like they were giving out free cake, and only girls were allowed. It was very, very eery.

A further mental check of a couple of months ago when I came here, the 15 is definitely heightened over finals.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Ahhh, Slick Ultimate

You see random people of the past in random strange places.

So, today was gorgeous. No other way to put it. Absolutely gorgeous. Woke up wayyyy too early, and just bummed about.

I wanted to take a nap on a beach, but I didn't think I could make it all the way down to Jericho without running into the ditch (from falling asleep), so I just slept a bit a home.

Eventually, I went for a short bike ride, mainly to get some road slicks (road tires for my mountain bike). Holy crap, they make such a huge difference. I couldn't possibly have imagined the difference it would've made until I tried them.

Then, I poked on the internet to find something to do outdoors. I wanted to play beach volleyball or throw a disc (frisbee) around, and found out that Maple Ridge, li'l ol' Maple Ridge, has our own Ultimate leage. Wow. That's just crazy. And, further more, they were playing at 6pm. Rock on.

Showed up at 5:45, and saw some unexpected old high school acquaintances, and even a teacher. Weird as heck.

Anyway, took a warm-up lap, and I was breathing hard already. I'm so out of shape.

Started throwing a bit, and it was nice to know that my handling hasn't completely fallen on the wayside. I picked up with a team, and ended up as a main handler.

By time I left, my quads, both legs, were seizing up. I actually couldn't walk properly, because I couldn't straighten out my legs.

And that's about the story that I had.


I'll live

I was looking at the title of my last post, and contemplated whether to follow the trend or to use my MSN name. I decided on the latter.

So, I didn't rock as much as I would've liked. I doubt I did a 37 worthy performance. I was really hoping for a trifecta like last time (*finishing* all the sections would've been a trifecta for me), but to no avail.

The Physical section went phenomenally. I think there were about 2 questions I was unsure of, and that's about it. I'm crossing my fingers for a 14, but a 13 should be well within reach, and at the very worst, a 12.

Verbal, unfortunately, took a bite out of me. I missed the last passage, and there were a lot of unsure answers along the way. And my performance over the week has been poor on verbal, so I'm a bit nervous. Could be as low as a 9 (I hope not), or mebbe a 11 tops.

Writing, I felt I nailed it. Got some pointers from Kaplan, and I hope those gave me the boost to get me to two 5's. (equivalent of an R). I should be at a 4 and a 5, at least (and even if I only hit 4's, I won't be disappointed).

Biological sciences section did a small number on me. I was cruising along fine, then, because I felt I could afford it, I took extra time on a few questions. Big mistake. Those added up, and caused me to miss an organic chem passage. It was easy, too, if I only had the time. And there were dicey questions, so I wonder how I ended up. I should be at an 11, possibly squeaking out a 12 (unlike the 13 point monster that I had before), but could suck it up at 10 (which I doubt).

So, my estimate would be: 31, P - 37, R.

Now I just wait for 6+ weeks. Heh...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I know I rock...

"I know I rock, but I'm not made of stone."

What a great line. Find the origin, and you win!

On a side note, where are all the hot Greek women out there? I just saw My Big Fat Greek Wedding again, and it just reminded me how Greek women are hot (there weren't really any in the movie, but it just reminded me of them from my time in Greece).

I want someone to shove delicious Greek food in my face.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Fat guys and hot girlfriends

Y'know, I don't get it. How come TV insists on portraying fat guys with hot girlfriends/wife? I know it's part of the American Dream (to eat donuts with a hot wife making them and handing you a beer), but it's also soooo unrealistic. I've YET to see one fat guy land a ridiculously hot woman. Yes, I know some who are slightly overweight, and have good looking girlfriend/wife, but none nearly as polarized (there's an MCAT Verbal Reasoning word for ya).

Case 1:
Homer and Marge. Pretty much the archetype of the current TV generation. Fat, lazy slob, with a caring, presumably hot (for a cartoon Springfield) wife.

Case 2:
Doug and Carrie on King of Queens. This is really what sparked this post. I mean, this woman makes habernero sauce seem like a glass of lemonade. If you recall her summer guest appearance on SBTB, you'll see she both looks exactly the same, and has aged magnificently. And Doug is just a fat guy working for UPS. Go figure.

Case 3:
Peter and Lois Griffin from Family Guy. Yup. Another cartoon. But a perfect example. Lois is supposed to be ridiculously hot (as in her being a model, etc.), and Peter is just... Even dumber than Homer.

Case 4:
Fred and Barney, Wilma and Betty, from Flintstones. Okay, another cartoon. But the age of this is from waaay back, and shows that even back then, it happens. And, damn, Wilma is hot (strange, yet *another* redhead...).

Case 5:
Moose and Midge on Archie. Okay. I'll broaden the definition to "dumb", since Moose is supposed to be a star athlete. Wait. This is *very* similar to real life. Nevermind.

Okay. This wasn't as extensive as I thought it would be, and it's much more limited to cartoons, but still...

I rest my case.

Monday, April 17, 2006

On Basketball...

On MVP race:

"All the fuss about who is deserving and who isn't and what makes for an MVP [in NBA] and what doesn't is akin to debating what length of skirt turns a girl from sexy to a slut." - Marc Stein

I thought it was 8.7 inches?

On Tony Parker:
'Asked about Tony Parker's season, Tim Duncan credited Eva Longoria, whose presence initially concerned the Spurs. "When you're happy," Duncan told the SA Express-News, "you play good basketball."'

He's only 23.

And he's got Eva Longoria.

And Tony Parker on Eva Longoria:
"We're one of the only teams in the NBA [that] lets us travel with wives or girlfriends. They all talk to her, so they know she's not a crazy woman."

The "Reverse Hitler"

So, the fu is coming in nicely/grossly. It's the archetypal fu-man-chu, where there's a patch on my chin, and two brush-stroke looking clusters on the outer ends of my upper lip, with nothing under my nose.

Or another way of putting it, the "Reverse Hitler".

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Well, I've never thought that I would be this ecstatic over seeing an empty box (and, please, no dirty connotations).

So, I've been doing this Kaplan prep course for the MCAT, and for the final 4 classes, they are full length practice exams. Dave and I arranged with them so that we wrote these practices at UCFV instead of UBC, since that where we'll be writing the real thing. So, Kaplan sent these to us in a box (standard 8x11x4/5?).

For the past 4 Saturdays (including this one), that's what we've been doing.

Today, after we finished, I went to grab the box (just poking about), and noticed, to my surprise, that it was, in fact, empty.


This is it. 4 months of hard work. Only the real test remains next Saturday.

That was milestone number 1.

So, the MCAT is one of the longest standardized tests in the world today. It comprises of 4 sections:
- Physical Sciences (1st year physics and chemistry, comprised of 10 - 11 passages, then you answer questions)
- Verbal Reasoning (read a passage, answer questions. Lots of argument and assumption dissection. 9-10 passages)
- Writing Sample (2 mini essays. 30 minutes each).
- Biological Sciences (1st year biology, and 2nd year organic chemistry, 10-11 passages).

The sciences portions are 100 minutes each, 77 questions. Verbal Reasoning at 85 minutes, 60 questions. Writing Sample at 60 minutes total. That clocks in at 345 minutes.

Just shy of 6 hours.

Throw in two 10 minute breaks and an hour for lunch, and we're at 7 hours.

Now, aside from the sheer duration, the test is long. It's a race against time. Throughout my life, I've never not finished tests (except one time when I was in Hong Kong. But that's a different story).

Until now.

Each time we write, I'd usually miss at least 3 passages overall. Usually 1 each in Physical Sciences. (Obviously, I'd guess "C".)

Today marks the first time that I've finished the entire test. Verbal was rushed, but semi-finished. I scored a tad worse per passage, but slightly higher overall on verbal (I aim to get less than 10 wrong, and generally would, if I were to finish).

That was milestone #2.

Lastly, I scored above 36 (it's graded on a bell curve type scale, total out of 3x15 = 45), a bit of a magic number that Dave and I originally shot for.

It's quite a day.

And now I must sleep.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Yup. That's high school

So it's Easter this Friday. Didn't realize that there's no school. Damn. Had to cancel choir. Booooooo.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

One more down...

Well, last Friday marks the day the choir dips below double digits in members. Lost a soprano, which brings our total now to 9: 2 S, 3A, 2T, 2B (+ me). This is going to put a lot of pressure on each member, especially when solos + extra part kicks in. Already for Sweet Surrender, I'd have to sing tenor to balance (I'd rather do percussion, since the song sounds so good with it). For California Dreamin', I'd hate to bring an Alto up to Soprano, since we JUST learned the song in its entirety. I'll see if that's fully necessary, since there are a couple of spots with extra parts, and if I put an alto up there, that should work out.

On the bright side, the song is sounding good. And, we'll be starting Accidentally in Love on Friday!!!

Someone asked whether Stacy's Mom was negotiable... I could barely contain my laughter... But on that note, I may bring out my version of Imagine. Contrary to the title, I don't think my arrangement is all that imaginative, but the song should provide a challenge, seeing how most parts split. This'll be an interesting one if we get to it. I may or may not re-arrange it.

On the "One more down": another final out of the way. Really, only the big one remains.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Staying strong...

Okay. It's been officially one week since I've shaved. I remember when shaving meant once a week for me, and it was barely noticeable. But now I just look dirty. Just plain dirty.

Got two weeks to go till the MCAT; I must stay strong.

Sailing: like Coffee, but better. (Like Sailor... Moon?)

So, I was chatting with one of my friends, and we were talking about first dates, how the whole "let's go for coffee" is so... blah.

So, I suggested he take up sailing, since it's fun, and it's a cool idea as a first date type thing to do. I mean, it's not something crazy physical (like kayaking, and not everyone likes to get wet), or paintballing (you don't really have time to chat), and it's not as long as dinner and a movie (getting "stuck" at a dinner date is not cool. When you have nothing to say and nothing in common, you can't get away. At least in a movie, you have something else as distraction.). A first date should be something relaxed, where you can talk and get to know the person, and have a relatively easy way of escape for both parties if things go bad. That's why coffee works so well, since it's relaxed, and great for chatting.

Also, first dates (test-date, I guess) should also have the ability to lead into something longer. If you're having coffee at 2pm, then unless you've been talking for 4 hours, the idea of dinner will only a plan. If you have coffee at 4pm (or tea and scones, if you're British), you might be able to tie it over to dinner: "Hey, I know this great Chinese/Italian/Deli/McDonalds". And obviously, I'm not talking about the Seinfeld "midnight coffee".

But the biggest problem with coffee, is originality. Everybody and their grandma's dog does coffee. It's so... blah. Yes, a first date (or any date) isn't really about the thing that you're doing, but that you're spending time/getting to know the person (thus coffee works), but you don't make friends with salad. I mean, you don't want it to be remembered as "just another coffee encounter."

Thus, sailing fits the bill. It's light (no sweating involved), good for conversation (you even have two starters right there: "Have you gone sailing before?" and "How long have you been doing this for?"), and extends into anything very naturally (even coffee: "I know this great little coffee shop...").

If you think it's too much of a "This guy's taking me sailing? What does he want?", then you haven't initiated it properly. Should more be: "Hey, I was going to go sailing on Saturday, why don't you come along?"

Sailing, then, only fails on the "escape" aspect. You're trapped on a boat. And so's she. But you can always keep it short, by, well, not sailing so far (if she starts talking about... nothing, or, how, like, her friend Cindy is so totally just jealous of her other friend Sara's new boyfriend since Charlie has a new red car, and how they totally just need to, like, stop telling her about it, then you should make a quick tack and practise your docking skills). And if things go poorly for her, she'll give you the standard "I have to meet a friend/see my sick grandma at the hospital/need walk the dog/wash my hair", at which point, you can just sail back (unless there's no wind...). But it makes up this minor escape flaw in originality. In spades. I mean, how many people doesn't want to go sailing? Or go sailing so much that they would pass up the opportunity?

Unless she's like, Sailor Moon or something.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

To fu, or not to fu?

Well, finals are upon us, and throughout university, I never did the whole finals-beard thing (or as much as I can muster). Looking at the mirror now, I'm seeing that I'll, at best, get a fu-man-chu (where this term came from, I have no idea).

I might do it for fun; it ties in nicely with MCAT action. I plan on being a hermit until then anyway, so I have no one to impress (there is choir, the raison d'etre of this blog, but, I doubt their respect for me will decline because of it).

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Lessons learned...

Never intercept a woman and chocolate. It's dangerous to your health...

...especially after suggesting she needs to be prevented from eating the oh-so-delicious chocolate mini-eggs because "You need to watch your figure."

Oh, that's lesson number 2:
Never do what I did. Even if:
a) she really doesn't need to watch her figure, since she looks great;
b) ever.

Last Rehearsal

Funny how I'm always late for a post for Friday rehearsal.

Anyway, nothing major. I felt we regressed on Sweet Surrender. It's partly because we pretty much had no basses (only I was singing with them, so it's hard to hear how it really soungs), and there was no way we could work on balance.

Started California Dreaming. That's about it.

What an awesome post.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Only Atkins can save children's lives

Yes. Blame high carb diets for toddler obesity; we all know that all that carb-filled milk is bad for children.

Thus, we should immediately change all diets of children ages 3 months to 6 years old to that of beef jerky, pork rinds, and butter. They should also be supplemented with Tums and/or Rolaids to maintain proper calcium consumption. The limit for milk consumption will be 1 glass (8oz.) every 3 days, except on Wednesdays, when the 1 glass should be downgraded to a 4 oz. cup.

Naturally, these are skewed by statistics. They failed to mention that construction material quality has gone down due to higher quality material costs have gone up, thus the 40 pound test limit actually has a standard deviation of +/- 30 pounds, and that 2 out of every 3 babies are naturally big boned due to their watching racy television shows.

But, damn. Those are some fat babies.

Statistics is the leading cause of...

I hate statistics.

People have too much time on their hands, thus try to find statistics to link to everything.

I bet I can find a statistic that says eating 1.0 apples everyday can lead a person to be a serial killer specializing in 3-7 month old babies who drink more than 1.3 bottles (8 oz.) of formula and 1.47 bottles (12 oz.) of breast milk a day, but those who eat more than 1.2 apples a day are more likely to get hit by a car between 11am and 2:30pm on the 2nd Friday of the month, with the car driven by teenagers who smoke between 10-20 imported cigarettes a week.

And there's a stat that says statistics leads to death, in that people who have seen at least 1.0 pieces of statistical information will die 100% of the time.