Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Yes, I am

Further evidence of my invincible-ness of yesterday:

I walked in the middle of the street, wearing nothing but socks.
Needless to say, no cars touched me.

Then I bought a scratch and win.
Indubitably, I won.

I then proceeded to press. I used my winnings ($2) to buy 647. I invested in the following numbers:
  • 6 (of course),
  • 18 (my birthday),
  • and a bunch of prime numbers, because prime numbers are invincible
    Like attracts like, remember.

And today, it rained. My invincibility shone through once again, because I didn't wash my car yesterday.


Mike H said...

647? Is that some new kind of lottery?

You're crazy to be tempting fate like this. No one gets away with saying they're invincible 100% of the time.

Remember 'Goldeneye'?
Don't be Boris Crushenko!

MRW said...

Yes. I'm THAT good, where I'll even win uninvented lotteries!