Friday, February 09, 2007

PictoChat with your what?

So, if you don't know what PictoChat is, here's a short spiel:

The Nintendo DS (latest generation Gameboy) has a function which allows you to chat with other nearby DS's. Think MSN Messenger, but with a handheld device. It sends your handwriting, instead of just typed letters.

Anyway, a local Fox network in Wisconsin did a "special report" saying that this is an avenue for child molesters to contact your children. While that in itself is a ridiculous enough threat, they went on to propose a very, very specific scenario, as paraphrased by Tycho on Penny-Arcade:

"While driving on the highway, a child molester who is also driving might look into the back seat of your car and see your child using their DS back there. According to this terrifying report, the child molester can then - while driving their car - produce a DS of their own and utilize it to divine your home address. You will recall that he is driving on the highway at speeds approaching sixty miles an hour. One hand is on the wheel and the other is managing the gearbox. Thus, there can be no question.

He is entering these messages into the DS with his erect phallus. "
Besides the warranted sarcasm (thank you, Tycho, for pointing this ludicrosity to us. And, yes, the situation is so laughably preposterous that it needed to be described with a just-as-non-sensical word), you must realize that:

Man, that's gotta be one tiny member to PictoChat clearly.

I get so pissed that I just want to saw my arms off!

Well, how's that for expressing one's anger?

But what about using it as an insult?

"Arrrrg! You make me want to saw my arms off!"

I mean, how the hell would a person react if someone said that to their face?

Sunday, February 04, 2007

If past actions had no effect on it, we must now fight it.

If you check out, you'll notice that they have web polls. This provides me with an interesting slice of what Canadians think, albeit of a particular demographic.

Anyway, sometimes the polls are silly, some can be serious. Sometimes, a serious poll can have downright ridiculous results.

Here's what I'm talking about: see the poll.
If that link didn't work, here's an image of it:

Now, that in itself isn't the "big kicker" for me. Sure, I'm scientific enough, and cynical enough, that I believe humans, as a whole, and the now prevlant threat of global warming, have a causal relationship. However, I still respect another's opinion. Also, if the scientists can't persuade them with facts, and evidence, what chance do I have?

No, no. The most ridiculous part comes here (or the image below), in the poll immediately after the previous one:

Okay. Did you catch that?

Think about it.

To allow you the opportunity to really think about it, and not just as a passing blur, I am providing you more time to have it really sink in.

To paraphrase the combination of the two polls:
Our actions in the past had no effect, so we should spend our efforts to combat it, as long as the "big players" do also.
(yes, I intentionally used that preposition to lend it sarcasm. If you didn't catch it, it's fine. I forgive you. I promise.)

I'll elaborate further:
Excluding the 27% who feel they would fight global warming "unequivocally" - as they are likely the ones who answered in the earlier poll that "human activity is to blame" - 67% still felt that they are willing to sacrifice to help fight global warming as long as government and industries do so.

What's wrong with this picture?

If our actions in the past, for nigh two hundred years, did not contribute to global warming (as shown by 35% of those polled, who believe that [paraphrase] global warming is real, but is completely part of the natural cycle), how would anything we do at all now even begin to fight global warming? How would sacrificing your own standard of living even begin to help? I mean, why bother to sacrifice at all, if you feel that our actions in the past could not affect it?

This is tantamount to: There is a monster living near our town. We've shown in the past that all our weapons could not hurt it, thought we've tried for two hundred years. The monster is now approaching our town. Let's sacrifice our standard of living to make more weapons in order to fight it, even though we firmly believe that our past two hundred years of effort did not put a ding in it at all.

I hate hypocrites. I absolutely, to very fabric of my soul, hate hypocrites.
(They would go to the 8th level of Hell, according to Dante. That's the level one above that reserved for Judas.)

Either that's what they are, or they are people who lack the ability to think and make logical connections. And I don't believe it's the latter, as that ability is needed to clothe and bath oneself properly; I just don't see that many people walking around with no pants on.

*Yes, I know that a much smaller number of people took the second poll, and one could argue that perhaps only those who felt global warming is human-caused took part in the second poll. If that's the case, then it instead shows that people don't think it's a problem, which I am willing to acquiesce.

I challenge you to a rematch!

Yes, I've been away for, well, about ever, but I feel it's time to make a come back.

Actually, I really just want to share a couple of things I've found. Some real, some just internet stuff, but that I feel everyone should know about.

1) My respect for this guy has increased infinite-fold.
One note before watching it: after the initial shock, wait a little bit longer. Because there is more to come. Much more.
Watch it here.

I mean, how can you NOT respect that performance? A crazier thing: after a while, the message actually hit home. While overcoming the initial shock was in itself shocking, the fact that I then began to reflect on his message made his point even more powerful.

2) How can a guy that says this be wrong?
"Next to God, there is no greater protector than I."
Read about this guy.

3) Also, to an extent, he beat the cancer form of himself. Not only that, read about what he DID:

4) Oh, and check this out. How many people in general, let alone pop icons, can claim this?

(That's Nancy Reagan, by the way).

5) To go on a different topic, a fictional one at that, this will give you a whole new perspective to "competitive rematch".

6) And now, for something completely different:

You pervert.